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Non-Compete Agreements: Gone at Last, or Here to Stay?
Non-Compete Agreements: Gone at Last, or Here to Stay? How to plan for non-compete agreements in North Carolina
Joe Dye Culik

Stop Legal Issues Before They Happen: Plan Ahead and Implement the Prenups of Business
Just as prenups protect individuals in a marriage, having business prenups, contracts and agreements, in place can safeguard your business.
Shawna Dye Culik

Top 3 Issues Franchisees Should Consider Before Terminating the Relationship With Their Franchisor
What are some of the top issues franchisees should consider before terminating the relationship with their franchisor and end the franchise
Joe Dye Culik

The Basics of Construction Disputes and Litigation
Construction lawsuits and disputes have numerous aspects that must all be handled correctly in order to prevail on your defense
Joe Dye Culik

What is a Shareholder (or Member) Derivative Lawsuit and How Does It Protect Minority Owners?
What is a shareholder (or member) derivative lawsuit and how can it protect the minority owners in a business?
Joe Dye Culik

It’s Just a Little Friendly (Non)Competition: Noncompete Agreements in NC
A noncompete agreement is a type of agreement between two parties, where one party promises not to engage in actions that would compete.

What is a Common Violation Franchisors Make During the Sales Process?
What is a Common Violation Franchisors Make During the Sales Process?
Joe Dye Culik

What is Arbitration and When Should You Use it in NC?
Arbitration is defined by the North Carolina court system as an “informal legal proceeding held before a neutral court official."

The Benefits of Litigating Your Business Lawsuit in Federal Court
The Benefits of Litigating Your Business Lawsuit in Federal Court
Joe Dye Culik

What to do if Your Business Gets Sued
No matter the reason, if your company gets sued, there are a few things you should keep in mind to survive the lawsuit.

NC Court Reviews Noncompete Provisions in an Employment Agreement
NC requires all non-compete agreements to be put in writing and signed to be enforceable. However, there are reasonable protection measures.

What Is Cryptocurrency and Should Your Business Accept It?
The latest trend hitting the market and skyrocketing forward is the use of cryptocurrency. But should your business accept it?

What to do About Negative Reviews About Your Business
Nonetheless, if you own a business, you are bound to receive a few negative reviews. The question is, what can you do about them?

Protecting Your Business on Social Media
Although social media provides a great way to market a business, it can be dangerous if you are not careful.

6 Big Challenges Small Businesses Face
The saying “it takes a village” is not just applicable to raising kids, but also to supporting small businesses. Here are a few challenges.

What is Misappropriation of Business Trade Secrets Under North Carolina Law, and How To Stop It
What is Misappropriation of Business Trade Secrets Under North Carolina Law, and How To Stop It
Joe Dye Culik

Appeals Fail in Arbitration of Most Business Disputes, So Get It Right the First Time
In a lawsuit between the buyer and seller of a business pursuant to an asset purchase agreement, a decision from the Court of Appeals...
Joe Dye Culik

What is a “Force Majeure” Clause and How Can It Help Your Business During the Coronavirus Crisis?
Most contracts have a force majeure clause stating that if a force majeure occurs then the parties’ contractual obligations are waived.
Joe Dye Culik

What Are Your Options When Your Business Legal Settlement Falls Apart?
If one of the parties to a business settlement agreement is not abiding by their promises, what do you do?
Joe Dye Culik
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