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Joe Dye Culik
Is a Single-Member LLC Right for Your Business?
A single-member limited liability company (LLC) is one of the most common business entity forms used by small businesses and entrepreneurs.
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Joe Dye Culik
Change to the Delaware LLC Act Permits LLCs to Subdivide
Change to the Delaware LLC Act Permits LLCs to Subdivide.
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Joe Dye Culik
What is Business Law, and How Can an Attorney Help Your Business?
Business law, generally speaking, is the area of law addressing commerce or commercial-related issues. A business law attorney can help.
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Joe Dye Culik
When and How Does a Business File an Assumed Business Name Certificate (DBA) in North Carolina?
Any NC businesses who use a name other than its full legal name – an assumed name – has to file an Assumed Business Name Certificate.
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Joe Dye Culik
What is the North Carolina Business Court and Why Should My Business Dispute Be Decided There?
There is a special session of the North Carolina court system called the Business Court. It is set up specially for business litigation.
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