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Joe Dye Culik
Understanding Commercial Leasing To Negotiate More Favorable Terms
Understanding commercial leasing and having a legal advocate in your corner can impact the negotiation of terms and protect your interests.
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Bradley Harrah | Attorney
The Prudent Tenant in Commercial Leasing: Delivery of the Leased Premises
One issue in commercial leasing that deserves special consideration is the delivery of the leased premises, as explained in this article.
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Joe Dye Culik
What are the Legal Aspects of Buying a Franchise: Lending, LLCs, Leasing, and Employment
What are the Legal Aspects of Buying a Franchise: Lending, LLCs, Leasing, and Employment
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Bradley Harrah | Attorney
Mutual Assent: Why You Can (and Should) Negotiate Revisions Before Signing a Commercial Lease
In deciding on a location, one area that new business owners often neglect is the terms of the commercial lease they have entered into with
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Abby Davids Rocha | Pedal Retail Advisors | GUEST WRITER
The Top Three Reasons Landlords Won’t Lease to New Businesses - and How to Overcome Them
Why won't landlords sign a lease with new businesses - and how do you overcome them? Dream Space gives you a clear course of action forward.
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